Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 09 November 2019
Present Health Status in Bangladesh: Challenges and Achievements
Tania Sultana
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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Pages: 1201-1212
Keywords: Child Health, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases, Health Care, Health Status, Maternal Mortality, Ministry of Health and Family Planning (MOHFW)
The health status in Bangladesh relies heavily on the government or the public sector for financing and setting overall policies and service delivery mechanisms. Based on a review of secondary data, the paper assesses the overall challenges and evaluates the current situations of health status and health care development in Bangladesh. Here non-empirical study will apply and the analysis will be made from the data and contents collected from various articles and journals published by various authors and released through various sources. This study revealed that Bangladesh had achieved notable improvements in health status by achieving health-related MDGs where infant or child mortality rate and maternal mortality rate have changed insignificantly than many other developing countries and rapidly improving on other key indicators including immunization coverage, and survival from some infectious diseases including malaria, tuberculosis, and diarrhea. However, Bangladesh faces a lot of challenges in its health care system. These challenges must be resolved to improve the existing health system so that the deprived and vulnerable people can get better access to basic health care services.
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