Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 27 September 2023
Research on Digital Marketing for Play Nutrition’s Nutrition Bar
Hoang Thanh Tung, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Quoc Anh
University of Labour and Social Affairs, Olympia School

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Pages: 237-251
Keywords: Marketing, Digital Marketing, Nutrition bar, Play Nutrition
In the 4.0 context, Digital Marketing becomes suitable for all businesses, from small to medium to large, helping businesses reduce costs, increase the effectiveness of communication tools, and align with today's digital transformation context. The study examines the degree of application of Digital Marketing tools for the Play Nutrition bar. The results show that “Content Marketing” has the highest frequency of appearance, attractiveness, and influence. Along with “Content Marketing”, “Video Marketing” also has the strongest impact. Based on the theoretical study of Digital Marketing, combined with survey results and orientation toward the use of Digital Marketing tools in the future for Play Nutrition bars, the research team proposes some recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of using Digital Marketing tools for Play Nutrition bars.
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