Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 20 November 2023
Sohar Industrial Clusters: Navigating Policy Implementation Barriers
Abdullah Khamis Al Mukhaini, Figen Yesilada
Adar Engineering Consultants (Oman), Cyprus International University

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Pages: 109-127
Keywords: Clusters, Cluster Initiative, Cluster-Based Policy, Economic Growth, SMEs, Stakeholder Engagement
The present study investigates the challenges encountered in the execution of cluster-based policies in Sohar Industrial Area, Sultanate of Oman, with a focus on the role of stakeholders. The research employs a qualitative research approach, consisting of 33 semi-structured interviews conducted with key stakeholders. The findings of the study reveal that government institutions play a critical role in facilitating cluster-based policies through policy formulation, infrastructure provision, coordination, stakeholder engagement, and sector-specific initiatives. Participant firms contribute to cluster development through collaboration and support for SMEs, and alignment with government initiatives. The study highlights the significance of customizing cluster-based policies to address the requirements and concerns of various stakeholder groups, which can be accomplished by nurturing collaboration, establishing transparent facilitators and incentives, cultivating supportive institutions, creating a favorable legal framework, and fostering an investment-friendly environment. The study is a significant contribution to the academic discipline by offering valuable insights into the development of clusters and the effective engagement of stakeholders. The results of the study have the potential to guide policymakers, government institutions, and industry leaders in their efforts to promote economic growth and establish a conductive environment for cluster-based policies in the Sohar Industrial Area.
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