Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 26 June 2020
The Dynamic of 2011 – 2016 East Java’s Regional Spatial Growth, An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis
Rahma Fitriani, Zerlita F. Pusdiktasari, Herman C. Diartho
University of Brawijaya (Indonesia), University of Jember (Indonesia)

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Pages: 947-964
Keywords: Growth Disparity, Spatial Growth, Spread – Backwash Effect, ESDA
East Java is one of the Indonesian provinces with above national average of GDP growth. It experiences spatial growth disparity within the province. The implemented regional spatial plan assigns eight development regions, with their corresponding growth centers to reduce the disparities. The objective of this study is to explore the dynamic of the interregional spatial growth within this province, according to the designated spatial plan. The Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) is implemented on 2011 up to 2016 data of the region’s economic growth. The result indicates the still existence of the spatial growth disparity. Most of the growth centers are in their second round of the backwash – effect stage.
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