Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 March 2022
The Effect of Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality on Customer Value and Customer Satisfaction (Case Study on the Zelika Company of West Papua Province)
Samirudin, Ujianto, Abdul Halik
University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia

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Pages: 113-121
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality, Customer Value, and Customer Satisfaction
This research is a quantitative research that examines customer satisfaction and customer value of Zelika Company, West Papua Province. The aims of this study are: 1) To examine and analyze the effect of customer relationship management on customer value; 2) Test and analyze the effect of service quality on customer value; 3) To test and analyze the effect of customer relationship management on customer satisfaction; 4) To test and analyze the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction; 5) To test and analyze the effect of customer value on customer satisfaction. This type of research is explanatory research, using a quantitative approach with data collection methods through questionnaires, interviews and documentation, instrument measurements were measured using a Likert scale using five points. sampling method using the slovin method. Date analysis uses GeSCA (Generalized Structured Component Analysis) analysis. The research population was 230 respondents, the research sample was 146 people. The results showed that: customer relationship management has a significant effect on customer value, service quality has a significant effect on customer value, customer relationship management has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer value has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction.
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