Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 24 May 2021
The Impact of Market Outlets Choice on Beekeepers’ Income in Rural Poor: A Case Study of Badakhshan Province
Jamshid Yolchi
Badakhshan University, Afghanistan

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Pages: 164-171
Keywords: Market Outlet, Beekeeping, Rural Poor, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
This research carried out to uncover the effect of beekeeping on the income of rural poor and to which extent that market outlet choice affects the income of beekeepers. The findings of Multinomial Logit regression, from 129 questionnaires of 4 districts indicate that there is no relationship between market outlet choice and income of beekeepers. The income of beekeepers is mostly affected by their family size and working experience. But the factors affecting to choose the home selling market outlet is very different from those of three other channels. In order to promote the income of beekeepers, it’s recommended that the government and other involved NGOs work on arrangements on wholesale opportunities for beekeepers. Because over 102 out of 129 samples have indicated that their products aren’t sold out on time. It means that there is a huge opportunity of filling the gap of honey demand in Afghanistan by promoting the links between producers and buyers.
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