Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 23 February 2021
The Influence of Leadership Style on Managerial Performance of Village Governments with Motivation as Mediation
Afrizal Tahar, Muhammad Akhid Abdillah
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Pages: 157-169
Keywords: Transactional Leadership Style, Transformational Leadership Style, Motivation, Village Government’s Managerial Performance
This study aims to understand the leadership style’s influence on the village government’s managerial performance with motivation as mediation. This test used the village government’s managerial performance as the dependent variable, transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style as independent variables, and motivation as a mediating variable. The sample employed was the village government apparatus in Sleman Regency, Indonesia, utilizing a convenience sampling method. The data type used in this study was the primary data. Based on the distributing questionnaires’ process obtained a sample of 102 respondents. Hypothesis testing in this study employed simple regression and multiple regression using SPSS v.15 software applications. The results showed that transactional leadership style, transformational leadership style, and motivation positively influenced the village government’s managerial performance. Meanwhile, motivation could not mediate the relationship between leadership style and managerial performance.
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