Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 17 November 2021
Towards Sustainable Consumption: Driving Forces behind Bangladeshi Consumers’ Behavior
Sanju Karmokar, Kamrul Hasan, Md. Ayatullah Khan, Kazi Humayun Kabir
Khulna University (Bangladesh), The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

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Pages: 12-22
Keywords: Sustainable Consumption, Driving Forces, Bangladeshi Consumers’ Behavior
If stakeholders, service providers, and social systems adopt sustainable consumption behavior and regulate the production and consumption cycle, they may be facilitated to accomplish sustainable development with environmental and socioeconomic advantages. However, the purpose of this study was to look at the driving forces that influence consumer behavior in Bangladesh in terms of sustainable consumption. A quantitative survey was conducted among 384 participants aged 18 years and having minimum higher secondary educational qualifications. The data were collected from Khulna City Corporation of Bangladesh through a structured interview schedule using the convenience sampling technique. The results reported that environmental concern of the participants was found to be the top-ranked driving force and perceived environmental knowledge of the participants was the lowliest ranked driving force behind the consumers’ behavior towards sustainable consumption. Alongside, attitude towards eco-friendly products, perceived consumer effectiveness and sustainable consumption intention were found to be the second, third and fourth ranked driving forces, respectively. The authors hope and anticipate that the findings of this paper will give critical information to relevant authorities and policymakers in order to develop market research and management policies and strategies.
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