3D Vector Reconstruction of the Brain from Anatomical Sections of Korean Visible Human at the Laboratory of Clinical and Digital Anatomy of Paris Descartes University
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Health and Medical Sciences

ISSN 2622-7258

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open access

Published: 22 July 2020

3D Vector Reconstruction of the Brain from Anatomical Sections of Korean Visible Human at the Laboratory of Clinical and Digital Anatomy of Paris Descartes University

Daou M, Kante A, Diallo HB, Uhl JF, Park JS, Chung BS, Maiga Y, Ongoiba N

Paris 5 University (France), University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (Mali), Gabriel Touré University Hospital in Bamako (Mali), Ajou University School of Medicine (Republic of Korea)

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 277-287

Keywords: Three-Dimensional Anatomy, Korean Human Visible, Brain Modeling, Virtual Reality, 3D Reconstruction, Virtual Dissection, Surgical Simulation, Surgical Training


Aim: Carry out a 3D vector reconstruction of the brain from anatomical sections of the "Korean Visible Human" for educational purposes. Material and Methods: The anatomical subject was a 33-year-old Korean man who died of leukemia. It measured 164 cm and weighed 55 kg. This man donated his body to science. Her body was frozen and cut into several anatomical sections after an MRI and CT scan. These anatomical sections were made using a 0.2 mm thick cryomacrotome. Thus 8,100 cuts were obtained. Only the sections numbered 500 to 700 were used for our study. Manual contouring of the different parts of the brain was done using Winsurf version 3.5 software on a laptop PC running Windows 7 with an 8-gigabyte Ram. Results: Our 3D vector model of the brain is easily manipulated using the Acrobat 3DPDF interface. The different brain parts accessible in a menu can be displayed, hidden or made transparent, and 3D labels are available as well as educational menus for learning anatomy. Conclusion: This brain reconstruction constitutes a remarkable educational tool for the anatomical study of the brain and can also be used as a 3D atlas for simulation purposes for training in therapeutic gestures.


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