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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Health and Medical Sciences

ISSN 2622-7258

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open access

Published: 09 December 2022

Air Chemical Quality and Noise Level in Tourism City Center of Bali 2022

I Nyoman Gede Suyasa, Ni Made Marwati, Ni Ketut Rusminingsih

Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar, Indonesia

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 71-79

Keywords: Air Chemical Quality, Bali, Noise Level, Tourism


Tourist destinations activities in Bali, particularly in Tabanan, Badung and Gianyar increased the crowded traffic jam, and impacted to air chemical quality and noise level. This is an observational study in tourist destinations in Tabanan, Badung, Gianyar Regency, totaling 18 sample points. Sampling of air chemistry CO, O3, SO2 and NO2 are measured using an imfinger and analyzed by spectrophotometer, noise level using a sound level meter. The data obtained were analyzed using a free sample t test, both parametric and non-parametric. The results of air chemistry research for CO in Tabanan Regency is 23.33 gr/Nm3, Badung Regency 521, 67 gr/Nm3 and Gianyar Regency 1050.00 gr/Nm3. Meanwhile O3 parameter in Tabanan Regency is 0.17 gr/Nm3, Badung Regency 0, 20 gr/Nm3 and Gianyar Regency 0.12 gr/Nm3. SO2 parameter in Tabanan Regency is 100.00 gr/Nm3, Badung Regency 57.62 gr/Nm3 and Gianyar Regency 41.62 gr/Nm3. NO2 parameter in Tabanan Regency measured 1 ,83 gr/Nm3, Badung Regency 1.83 gr/Nm3 and Gianyar Regency 0.95 gr/Nm3. The concentration is still below the requirements of the Governor of Bali regulation number 16 of 2016 concerning Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental Damage Standard Criteria. While the noise level in Tabanan Regency is 68.55 dB, Badung Regency 70.68 dB and Gianyar Regency 67.85 dB exceeding the maximum noise level for residential area activities of 55 dB. In conclusion, the air chemistry in regencies of Tabanan, Badung, Gianyar are below the standards of local government. Nevertheless, there is an exceeding noise level in those regencies.


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