Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 22 September 2022
A Study on Distribution and Association of CD320, a Receptor for Active Vitamin B12, in Pregnant Mothers and their Newborns Cord Blood
M. V. Surekha, Gadhiraju S, K. Satyanarayana, Putcha Uday Kumar
Indian Council of Medical Research (India), Gandhi Hospital (India)

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Pages: 283-296
Keywords: CD320, Anaemia, Pregnant Mothers, Cord Blood, Vitamin B12, Active B12
Objective: Our objective was to study the levels and relation between CD320 receptors in anaemic mothers in their last trimester of pregnancy and their newborns after birth. Methods: Association between CD320, VitB12, active B12 levels in mothers with anaemia were analysed before they underwent labor and in blood collected from their newborns after labor. Regression analysis was performed in order to assess the relation between the mothers and their neonatal vitamin CD320 levels in relation to their Vit B12 status. Results: Among the 200 pregnant mothers recruited, 59% were anaemic. CD320 levels were significantly higher in anaemic mothers (414.09 ±10.75 pg/ml) when compared with cord blood (372.25 ± 7.81 pg/ml). CD320 levels were higher in both mother and cord blood with Vit B12 deficiency, however, were lower in mothers with active B12 deficiency. CD320 levels in cord blood were positively associated with haemoglobin (r value 0.8, p value 0.42) of mothers and negatively with serum folate (r value -0.15; p value 0.23), Vit B12(r value -0.21; p value0.28) and active Vit B12 levels (r value -0.25; p value0.03) in mothers. Conclusion: CD320 levels in cord blood positively correlated with haemoglobin of mothers and negatively with folic acid and B12 status. A negative trend (p=0.0024) was observed between maternal and neonatal CD320 levels.
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