Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 11 December 2019
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Trifu Simona, Iliescu Ioana Dorina, Mateescu Roxana Daniela, Trifu Antonia Ioana
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" (Romania), University of Bucharest (Romania), Medical Military Institute (Romania)

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Pages: 509-515
Keywords: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychotic Decompensation, Heteroaggressive Potential, Dangerousness, Psychodynamic Functioning
Motivation: Personality disorders are patterns from areas like cognitive, emotional, impulse-control and relationships with others; they are constant and lasting over time, non-functional, disturbed, which do not allow normal functioning in daily life. Personality disorders do not fit into the classic pattern of illness. They do not have a limited onset of time, a period of disease and then a cure following a treatment. Purpose: The paper presents a 46-year-old patient with frequent admission to psychiatry for an antisocial personality disorder, which presents a decompensation of psychotic intensity. Methods: admission to a psychiatric clinic, psychiatric evaluation, treatment with Rispen, Romparkin, Depakine, Levomepromazine, Anxiar, Diazepam, life situation management, social inquiry, psychological evaluation, presentation of psychotic phenomenology. Results: The present paper presents a patient with indices of cerebral micro-organicity, with poor school performance, with class repetitions and school dropout, subsequently developing behavioral disorders that have been structured into an antisocial personality disorder. The patient presented multiple acts of violence, conflicts with the law, about 14 criminal cases in progress, violence into the family and outside the family. Conclusions: There were both short-term hospitalizations for crisis management and long-term hospitalizations, which did not have a beneficial effect. The paper aims to expose the theoretical perspective on the pathology of antisocial personality disorder, with particularities for this case.
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