Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 28 December 2021
Basic Approach to Prevalence of Iron-Deficiency Anemia among Pregnant Women and Children in South Florida before 2003
Rhodner J. Orisma
University of Abomey-Calavy, Republic of Benin

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Pages: 101-112
Keywords: Iron Deficiency Anemia, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia, Prenatal Care, Low Birth Weight, Cognitive Delay
Obviously iron deficiency is determined as the most prevalent nutritional problem in the world today. It is provoked by a lack of iron in the diet. In South Florida, since pregnant women tend to neglect prenatal care, the prevalence of anemia primarily occurs during the first and second trimesters of their pregnancy. Accordingly, medical studies show that premature deliveries, low birth weight, birth defects, infant mortality, etc. result from iron deficiency anemia. In this, birth defects are, however, considered as quite associated with folic acid deficiency anemia. That explains why, this paper also deals with the study published by the March of Dimes on folic acid and pregnancy. In addition, the paper approaches qualitatively the socioeconomic and sociocultural aspects of the disease according to eight (8) interviews conducted in Broward and Miami Date counties to highlight the existing preventive programs for vulnerable population such as women, infants and children in South Florida, USA.
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