Bullous Pemphigoid in a 37-Year Old Female: A Case Report and Literature Review
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Health and Medical Sciences

ISSN 2622-7258

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open access

Published: 29 October 2022

Bullous Pemphigoid in a 37-Year Old Female: A Case Report and Literature Review

Stefon Monique D. Oxley, Brian M. Denney

Chong Hua Hospital Department of Internal Medicine (Philippines), Cebu Velez General Hospital (Philippines)

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 55-60

Keywords: Bullous Pemphigoid, Female, Case Report


Bullous pemphigoid is a blistering disorder which mainly affects the geriatric population predominantly older than 70 years. It is caused by an autoimmune reaction to the hemidesmosomal proteins in basal keratinocytes, causing an inflammatory cascade and subsequent bullae formation. It is rarely encountered in infants, children, and middle-aged adults. Herein, a case of Bullous pemphigoid in a 37-year old female patient is reported. The patient presented with a three-month history of multiple serous fluid-filled tense blisters on the face, neck, trunk, flexor and extensor surfaces of the extremities up to the lower thigh, with areas of excoriation, peeling, erosion and crusting. No involvement of the mucous membranes noted. The lesions were associated with intense pruritus and pain upon rupture. Patient had no other subjective complaints and had an unremarkable past medical history. Patient was initially treated with antibiotics but noted no improvement in her condition. Histologic evaluation of the skin was done and revealed a subepidermal vesicular dermatitis with prominent neutrophilic infiltrates. No hyphae or spores were seen. With these findings, patient was admitted and treated with systemic steroids, antibiotics, and antipruritic medications. Direct Immunofluorescence was done and yielded findings consistent with the diagnosis of Bullous Pemphigoid. The overall response of the patient to therapy was satisfactory. The differentiation of Bullous pemphigoid from other subepidermal bullous diseases is important due to the potential of systemic manifestations and complications of the other diseases. The importance of clinical, histopathologic and immunologic findings in confirming the diagnosis of Bullous Pemphigoid is highlighted in this case report.


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