Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 17 March 2021
Exercise Modulation of Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate and Pulse Rate in Undergraduate Students
Taiwo E. O., Thanni L. O. A.
Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria

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Pages: 59-66
Keywords: Sphygmomanometer, Blood Pressure Measurement, Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Exercise.
Background: Physical Activity improves the functional capacity of the circulatory system with minimum myocardium stress. Objectives: This study was designed to assess exercise modulation and sex difference of blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate (RR) and pulse rate (PR) of selected undergraduate students. Design: This study involved 360 students selected using convenience sampling method, aged between 18 and 35 years. Lecturers and postgraduate students were exempted from the study. BP was measured using Sphygmomanometer before exercise and 30 minutes interval during exercise for two hours. Bicycle Ergometer was used as the exercise apparatus. Stop watch was used to measure PR and RR. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: In total, 360 subjects, 180 males and 180 females, were included in the study. The mean SBP at baseline was 111.59 mmHg±0.35. It reduced to 96.99 mmHg±0.36 after 120 minutes of exercise (p=0.000). The mean DBP at baseline was 69.78mmHg±0.32. It reduced to 56.01mmHg±0.30 after 120 minutes of exercise (p=0.000). The mean Respiratory Rate (RR) at baseline was 15.91 cycles/ minute±0.11. It increased to 28.82 cycles/minute±0.21 after 120 minutes of exercise (p=0.000). The mean Rate Pulse Pressure (RPP) at baseline was 8322.35 mmHg. cycles/ minute±0.05 It increased to 12033.55mmHg.cycles/minute±0.21 after 120 minutes of exercise (p=0.000). Moreover, the male-female relationships showed that the SBP, DBP, RR and RPP were significantly lower in female than male subjects (p=0.000). Conclusions: Exercise reduces SBP and DBP. This reduction is greater among females.
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