Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 08 April 2022
Immunohistochemical Expression of Cyclin D1 in Oral Lichen Planus
Mustafa M. Abdulhussain, Fawaz D. Alaswad
Mustansiriyah University (Iraq), Baghdad University (Iraq)

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Pages: 1-10
Keywords: Immunohistochemistry, CyclinD1, Malignancy, Oral Lichen Planus
Background: Many studies have reported that a condition initially classified as oral lichen planus (OLP) has a variable chance of developing cancer progression over time, although these results are still questionable. Cyclin D1 controls the mitotic cell cycle's transition from G1 to S. Cyclin D1 has a significant function in carcinogenesis due to its critical involvement in cell cycle control. Cyclin D1 deregulation or overexpression may result in shortened G1 phase, enhanced cell replication, and decreased reliance on growth regulators, causing disruption in conventional cell cycle progression and the progression of cancer. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the expression of Cyclin D1 in histopathologically confirmed OLP samples and to predict the rate of malignant transformation in these lesions by comparing the level of expression with some clinical parameters. Materials and Methods: The immunohistochemical procedure was used to examine the expression of cyclin D1 on paraffin-embedded sections of (40) OLP lesions and (10) specimens of normal oral mucosa. We used the SPSS software version (18.0) to do the statistical analysis in this work. Results: There is a very significant difference between the people investigated (P = 0.01), which is statistically significant. CyclinD1 was found in all of the oral lichen planus cases in the research (100%), but it was also found (80%) in the normal oral mucosa. There was also no statistically significant difference between the clinical types of OLP and the Cyclin D1 scoring (P = 0.942), which revealed that the reticular type was the most frequent (7) in mild scoring, whereas the erosive type was the most frequent in severe scoring, which accounted for the majority of the cases. Conclusion: This research found that higher cyclinD1 expression increases the risk of cancer and many of the markers should be tested. Furthermore, larger sample numbers, improved designs, and gene-reduction studies should be performed. OLP patients should be continuously monitored for OSCC progression.
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