Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 29 December 2018
Sonographic Comparison of Mean Velocity of Portal Vein in Liver Cirrhosis and Normal Individuals
Nouman Khan, Izhar Hussain, Iftikhar Alam, Raham Bacha, Abdul Rehman, MD Makbul Mikrani, Mehreen Fatima, S. Muhammad Yousaf Farooq, Sajid Shaheen Malik, Syed Amir Gilani
The University of Lahore, Pakistan

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Background: Liver cirrhosis is a life threatening condition, its consequences ranging from gross financial loss to death. Grayscale ultrasound has been used since long for the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis. Gray scale sonography along with color Doppler is the first-line modality used for evaluating the mean velocity of portal vein in Liver Cirrhosis. Chronic liver parenchymal diseases (CLPD) and liver cirrhosis cause decrease in the flow velocity of portal vein. Doppler ultrasound (US) can determine portal vein (PV) velocity in liver cirrhosis. The mean velocity of portal vein provides a distinguishable value between cirrhotic and normal individuals. Mean portal vein velocity is a reliable parameter in the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and (CLPD). Objective: To compare mean velocities of portal vein of cirrhotic patients, and normal individuals by Doppler Ultrasound. Methods: A total of 188 individuals were cross-sectionally included in this study. The study was conducted in Gilani Ultrasound Centre, Ferozpur Road, Lahore, while using Toshiba Xario with 3-6 MHz transducer. Results: Mean portal vein velocity in cirrhotic patient was 10.72 ± 1.91 cm/s and in normal individuals was 23.36 ± 6.06 cm/s. Conclusions: Liver cirrhosis causes prominent changes in the texture of liver as compared to the texture in normal individuals. This study showed that mean velocity of portal vein was decreased in patients with liver cirrhosis as compared to normal individuals.
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