Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 13 June 2023
The Effectiveness of Education Through “Pregnant Mother Family Class” on the Selection of Birth Attendants
Fuadah Ashri Nurfurqoni, Fauzia Djamilus, Maya Astuti
Bandung Health Polytechnic (Indonesia), IPB University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 38-47
Keywords: Class Family, Support Childbirth, Birth Attendant
As many as 20% to 50% of maternal deaths occur during labor. In Indonesia, in 2015, 62% of deliveries were attended by a traditional birth attendant. Many teenage pregnant women have not been educated and bestows decision-making of birth attendants for baby delivery to their families. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of family classes in selecting a birth attendant. The study was held in July-October 2019 in Bogor; phase I used a cross-sectional design involving 90 pregnant women, analyzed using the model logistic regression test. Phase II: quasi-experimental design, a sample of 34 people for each intervention and control group, chosen not randomly. The intervention group provides education about pregnancy, childbirth, and the selection of birth attendants. The statistical test used Wilcoxon and Chi-square tests. The mother will select a health officer as a birth attendant if the perceived value of the birth cost is cheap, she has adequate family support, and she has a family with better knowledge. Factors that influence the selection of birth attendants are cost, family support, and knowledge. The family classes effectively improve the selection of health officers as birth attendants. Implementation of health education should involve the family.
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