Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 09 February 2024
Analysis of China’s Interests in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Policy in Pakistan
Ilham Martadinata, Muhammad Hadianto, Helda Risman
The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

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Pages: 46-58
Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative, Hegemony, Pakistan National Interest
This research aims to analyze China’s interests through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) policy in Pakistan. Currently, Pakistan is China’s strategic partner in implementing the BRI project. Infrastructure development for several sectors in Pakistan is being carried out massively through direct financial loans from China. Of course, this raises questions about China’s interests in Pakistan and this study attempts to answer these questions. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with literature study as a data collection technique. In analyzing the issues raised, this research uses the theories of offensive realism, hegemony, and national interests. The results of this research show that China’s efforts in Pakistan are a form of Chinese maneuvering that plays an active role in achieving its interests, namely hegemony. Through the BRI project, China can connect with the largest oil-producing countries to meet high industrial needs. Second, the connectivity created by BRI allows China to increase its force projection capabilities in the South Asia region. Third is political interests, where China can create a positive image to ensure a substantial increase in diplomatic power in strengthening its international status. Meanwhile, the last one is ideological interests, where China uses slogans such as “Chinese Dream” for the stability and legitimacy of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party towards their domestic society.
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