Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 28 March 2022
Caste and Ethnic Area and Identity Politics in Nepal: An Anthropological Perspective
Apar Kumar Lamsal, Chakra Raj Dahal, Ram Prasad Pokhrel
Tribhuvan University, Nepal

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Pages: 127-136
Keywords: Caste, Culture, Culture Area, Ethnic Group, Geographical Area
Every individual and ultimately the group try to identify him or herself as distinct as and more supreme than others through some symbols. This identification process is used by human beings as a tool for either psychological or biological or we can say the survival benefit. In this way, identity becomes a means of benefit. There may be so many types of identity symbols and cultural identity is one of them. Sharing the same identity symbols creates a distinct culture area. The culture area is a geographical concept of culture. This article examines the identity-making politics in modern Nepal based on different cultural elements, particularly caste and ethnicity. Therefore, this article proposes the concept of 'caste and ethnic areas,' other than culture areas, which are widely used in anthropological literature. Data were collected from primary and secondary documents and observations of Nepalese politics over a long period. A retrospective research design was applied in this study.
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