Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 29 July 2019
Factors Associated to The Gender Roles Socialization of Working Women: A Case of Major City, Thailand
Piyakamon Mahiwan, Dusadee Ayuwat
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

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Pages: 554-561
Keywords: Gender Roles Socialization, Working Women, Human Rights
This research aims to examine factors associated to the gender roles socialization of working women. Quantitative methodology was employed with individual level as a unit of analysis. The sample consisted of 398 women who are working in government agencies and private enterprise. The samples were randomly selected by multi-stage sampling technique in 9 municipals of major city. The data were collected using the interview schedule from May to June 2018 and analyzed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square. The results revealed that most of women samples (55.6 %) were in the Generation Y (19-38 years old). 51.3 percentages of the women samples were married, and 43.7 percentages got bachelor degree or higher. Most women, samples (54.3 %) have gender roles socialization in traditional style by the principle, Women should be a housewife. When analyzing factors associated to the gender roles socialization of working women with Chi-square, it was found that the characteristics of women (education level) and work condition factors (organization size and the understanding of women's labor rights) are the factors that associated to the gender roles socialization of working women at statistically significant 0.01 level.
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