Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)
Published: 20 August 2019
Manning up and Staying Buff: Expanding the Embodiment of Masculinity among Filipino Spornosexual Men
Arseno C. Hinay
Department of Education-Southern Leyte, Philippines
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Pages: 663-673
Keywords: Spornosexuals, Masculinity, Social Constructionism, Muscular Physique, Phenomenological Analysis, Southern Leyte, Philippines, Asia
The perception and portrayal of masculinity has morphed over time, leading to a modern classification of man, the Spornosexuals. Through a phenomenological research design, the lived experiences among Spornsexuals residing in the rural province of Southern Leyte, Philippines, were explored, with emphasis on the challenges and rewards upon their embodiment of masculinity, and the struggles they encountered in developing their ideal muscular physique. The coping mechanism exhibited by these individuals in handling the struggles they encountered in their day-to-day lives were uncovered. Their personification of masculinity is under the theory of Social Constructionism. A face-to-face, a semi-structured interview was employed to gather meaningful responses that were analyzed through Colaizzi's (1978) strategy. It was evident that despite the negative experiences they encountered upon reconstructing their physicality and expressing their masculinity, the rewards they gained, accompanied with their forward-looking motivations, continue to ignite their momentum in owning and expressing who they are. In general, Spornosexuals are unique individuals who need to be understood and embraced just like any other member of the society.
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