Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 14 September 2020
Media and Political Interest: A Case Study on Media and Advertising Mars Party Perindo
Achmad Jamil, Murti Kusuma Wirasti, Ella Afnira
Universitas Mercu Buana (Indonesia), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Indonesia)

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Pages: 857-867
Keywords: Political Advertising, Political Economy of Media, Press Social Responsibility
Over a period of three years 2016-2018, (Multi Media Nusantara Coorporation (MNC), RCTI, MNCTV, and GTV received a reprimand from the Indonesian KPI due to the advertisement of Perindo mars politics that was considered to be excessive and troubling the public ahead of the 2019 elections. However, Harry Tanoesoedibjo, the owner of MNC Media and the chairman of the Perindo political party used his own media to achieve the political goals, and it was considered to be in conflict with the ideal function of the mass media in Indonesia. This research is qualitative, and uses constructive approach. Data were obtained through interviews, observation and literature review. In addition, Vincent Mosco's political, and economic theory with three frameworks was used, namely commodification, spatialalization, structure, advertising and social responsibility press. The results of this study revealed the data causes, and the use of MNC Media as a political tool by Perindo parties in the form of advertisements, which have an impact on the society. The authorities can freely use theirs for personal (political) interests, while still within the corridors of rules and regulations in the country. Furthermore, it conclude that its uses is indeed very important in the context, but in reality, it does not have much influence on the political choices of the people in the 2019 elections, and it is clear that Perindo party election results only attained 27%.
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