Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 27 December 2019
Motives of Traditional and Emerging Donors in Aid Giving: Comparative Study between China and France
Ansoumane D. Diakite, Jenny O. L. Phillips
University of Saint Joseph, Macau

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Pages: 1026-1037
Keywords: Aid Giving Motives, Emerging Donor, Traditional Donor, Poverty Reduction
Since the beginning of bilateral aid giving in the aftermath of the Second World War, the motives for aid giving have changed from being purely political and humanitarian to a mix of different interests. While poverty reduction is frequently stated as the goal of aid giving, it is commonplace for donors to use aid to advance their national interests. The rise of new, emerging donors is creating discussion in both the political and academic fields of aid giving. Traditional or western donors see emerging donors, such as China’s efforts in aid-giving as seeking the natural resources of the recipient countries. This paper provides a historical analysis of the aid-giving motivations underlying an emerging donor, China, and a traditional donor, France. The motives for China’s and France’s aid giving to African countries, with special focus on Guinea, show a great number of similarities.
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