Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)
Published: 24 May 2021
Online Donation for Covid-19 as Connective Action in Indonesia and Vietnam
Tonny Dian Effendi, Nong Thi Xuan
National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan), University of Muhammadiyah Malang (Indonesia), Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (Vietnam)
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Pages: 192-204
Keywords: Covid-19, Online, Donation, Connective, Action
This study discusses how the internet facilitated the online donation movement to help deal with the Covid-19 in Indonesia and Vietnam. The internet has critical roles in online donations by spreading information, connecting individuals, and making an online donation movement. We use the connective action concept to explain how the social movement is developed by connecting people through the loose organizational or no-organizational platform. We find that the internet and social media have an essential role in informing, connecting, and simultaneously being a means of online donation activities of individuals from various backgrounds. In this action, individuals are connected emotionally and encourage their empathy and solidarity across identities. In other words, the online connection encourages people to gather and donate as social action. However, in contrast to the connective action concept based on real (offline) action, the online donation for Covid-19 shows that individuals are connected and act online. Therefore, conceptually, the online donation case could enrich the connective action concept in the context of online connection and online action.
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