Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 25 December 2019
Social Analysis of the Impact of Money Marriage on Psycho-Emotional State of Female Children in Becheve, Obanliku Local Government Area, Cross River State Nigeria
Akonam Chybuikem Richards
Richgrace Foundation

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Pages: 997-1008
Keywords: Money Marriage, Psycho-Emotional State, Female Children, Becheve, Nigeria
The study was focused on social analysis of the impact of money marriage on psycho-emotional state of female children in Becheve, Obanliku Local government Area of Cross River State. The study adopted the survey research design. Well, structured questionnaire was administered to 400 randomly sampled respondents consisting of families and dwellers in Utanga, Ugbakoko, Amana, Keyi and Imale, in Becheve. Data generated was analysed using descriptive statistics. Results revealed that money marriage is a serious problem and has a greater tendency of enhancing psychological and/or emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse of the female children. It was recommended that state and local governments should mobilize families and the wider community to raise awareness of the harmful consequences of child marriage can change attitudes and reduce the acceptance among those who make the decision to marry girls as children; and religious and traditional leaders, too, have the potential to play a key role in speaking out against child marriage and changing community attitudes towards money marriage.
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