The Nature of Personality Disorders among Females
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Social and Political


ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)

ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
open access

Published: 08 November 2021

The Nature of Personality Disorders among Females

Reem Kh. Mahdi

University of Baghdad, Iraq

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 38-45

Keywords: Personality, Disorder, Female, Gender, Bias, DSM-5


The study aimed to review the literature about personality disorders among females and the role of potential gender bias in diagnosis with these disorders. Personality disorder PD had defined as an inflexible pattern of long duration leading to significant distress or impairment. Women suffer from many types of stress throughout their life according to economic position and social status. However, there are many opinions on the gender differences in PD's and gender can be a powerful element to determine mental health. Unfortunately, there is gender and social bias to view mental illness depending on the patient's gender. Many regions in the world have social cultures that contribute to disorders' development. Due to stigma and social traditions, the Arab region seems to be further away from global diagnosis and statistics for personality disorders. Finally, It's essential for clinicians and researchers to move away from being satisfied with the results of Western studies and not trying to generalize only western findings in diagnosing disorders.


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