Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 07 August 2020
The Reasons for War and Social Choice
Md Abul Hasan, Vivianne Riberdy, H. M. Towhidur Rahman
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia), University of Chittagong (Bangladesh)

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Pages: 725-730
Keywords: War, Social Choice, Rational, Irrational, Miscalculation, International law
War is a hunter of millions of lives, destruction of resoueces, but war sometimes could be the alternative choice of people, leaders, and policy makers.Wars are mostly responsible for intelligence failure and bad crisis management. Scholars have exposed various propositions as causes of war and debated if war is rational or if it is either miscalculation and misperception, which led to the initiation of war. Leaders, in many cases, have initiated wars either for their own interest (e.g. winning in election) or sate’s national sovereignty. In some cases, wars are considered as a public choice whether people are solely aware of the benefits of war or they are misunderstood by the leaders. Our research have found that misunderstanding, intelligence failure and inadequate foreign policy management, as well as standing of a country, are mainly responsible for engaging in war. Findings show that public opinion is volatile, and could be changed over time. That is why war often cannot be considered as a social choice. Therefore, our research proposes a further research on the concept of war as social choice.
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