Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 28 December 2020
The Universal War Strategy in the 5th Generation War in the 4.0 Industry Era (Cyber Threat Case Study)
Tonny Sumarno, Helda Risman
Indonesia Defence University, Indonesia

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Pages: 1111-1119
keywords: 5th Generation War, Siber Threats, Universal War Strategy
Currently, the world has entered into the 5th generation war, and this war in the 5th generation can be said to be an invisible war. This war can be interpreted as an information war, an economic war, including cyber warfare. The rapid progress of the development of science and technology today has a very broad impact on various aspects of human life. The threat of cyber attacks that can cripple the stability of national security needs to be watched out for. For this reason, the Indonesian nation must have strategic steps to anticipate all possibilities from the threat of cyber attacks. The research objective in this paper is to identify the potential threat of 5th generation war, analyze cyber threats and cyber attacks in Indonesia and how the Universal War Strategy in dealing with the threat of cyber attacks. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive phenomenology research method, using data sources from some literature and mass media. The research results from the researcher's analysis provide significant results with the conclusion that Indonesia is vulnerable to cyber threats so that it is necessary to equalize perceptions in drafting the concept of defense and security from the threat of cyber attacks.
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