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Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Vol.6 No.4 (2023)
The Asian Institute of Research
Journal of Social and Political Sciences
Vol.6 No.4, December 2023
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Rural Homelessness: The Hidden Crisis | Nelson Simanjuntak, Fernando Silalahi, Manotar Tampubolon | Institute Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (Indonesia), Universitas Kristen Indonesia (Indonesia) | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.460 | |
Evaluation of M-Paspor Application in Indonesia: M-Government Concept Perspective | Intan Nurkumalawati, Nusyura Divana Salsha | Immigration Polytechnic, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.459 | |
ISIS Network and Women Terrorism in Indonesia: An Analysis from Actor-Network Theory
| Meilisa Jibrani, Machya Astuti Dewi, Yuseptia Angretnowati, Melaty Anggraini, Tasya Iznada Syafira | UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.458 | |
Human Capital Development for Cybersecurity: Examining BSSN's Contributions in the Indonesia-Australia Cyber Policy Dialogue (2018-2020) | Muhammad Rafi Shiddique, Mansur Juned | Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.457 | |
The Characteristics of the use of Eslimi and Rotating Motifs in the Tiling of the Mausoleum of Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Located in Herat Gazargah | Ahmad Shoaib Saljoqi, Mohammad Towfiq Rahmani | Herat University | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.456 | |
Research on the Influencing Factors and Countermeasures for the Effectiveness of Talent Training in School-enterprise Cooperation in Vocational Education-Taking Haining City as an Example | Weilin Jin, Jiawei Zhuge, Huabin Wu | Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics Dongfang College, China | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.455 | |
Strengthening Internal Human Resources Management in Vehicle Registration and Identification Services at the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya | Ibnu Widiyantoro, Basir S, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi | Universitas Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.454 | |
Dynamics of the Generation Planning Program (Planning Program) in Anticipating Juvenile Delinquency in Riau Province | Ria Noviana, Moris Adidi Yogia, Rendi Prayuda, Annisa Mardatillah, Septian Wahyudi | Universitas Islam Riau and Kaharuddin Nasution, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.453 | |
Public Service Innovation in the Best Practice Perspective at the Investment and One-Stop Services Office of Riau Province | Raja Yena Verawati, Moris Adidi Yogia, Rendi Prayuda, Annisa Mardatillah, Rosmayani | Universitas Islam Riau and Kaharuddin Nasution, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.452 | |
Entrepreneurial Competence in Agrotourism-Based MSME Actors Affects Business Performance: Literature Review | Ayutyas Sayekti, Rachmat Pambudy, Burhanuddin, Harmini | IPB University, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.451 | |
Career Counseling in Cultural Minorities: How Competent, Efficient and Engaged do Practitioners Feel in Greece? | Georgia Georgaki, Ioanna Papavassiliou-Alexiou | University of Macedonia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.450 | |
Exploring the Sociocultural Extensions of Changing Musical Taste: A Sociomusicological Study of Morocco’s Social Dynamics | Montassir Hmala, Houda Nemar | CRMEF of Meknes (Morocco), Moulay Ismail University (Morocco) | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.449 | |
Sexual Harassment in Higher Educational Institutions in Bangladesh: Contemporary Trends and Challenges | Md. Hasan Shahriar, Jannatul Ferdous | Comilla University, Bangladesh | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.448 | |
Victim-Oriented Humanistic Policing as a New Model in Improving Services for Victims of Sexual Violent Crimes: Comparative Study of Indonesian Police, Japanese, and New Zealand | Aruma Chandra Dewi, Adrianus Eliasta Meliala, Iqrak Sulhin | Universitas Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.447 | |
Sustainability of the RMG Factory Monitoring Regime Under Accord, Alliance and DIFE in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Case Review of Bangladesh’s RMG Industry | ASM Anam Ullah | University of Wollongong, Australia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.446 | |
Indonesia's Chairmanship of ASEAN 2023: Navigating Complex Security Challenges in Southeast Asia | Ludiro Madu, Yudhy Widya Kusumo | Universitas Pembangaunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.445 | |
The Impact of University Closures on Students' Motivation After the Fall of the Afghan Government by the Taliban | Chaman Ali Hikmat, Ramazan Ahmadi | Dibrugarh University (India), Akdeniz University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.444 | |
Social Media and Early Marriage During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia | Dewi Novianti, Siti Fatonah, Medi Trilaksono Dwi Abadi, Mochammad Fauzul Haq, Virginia Ayu Sagita | UPN Veteran Yogyakarta | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.443 | |
The Paradox of Child's Diversion Policy in Conflict with the Law in the Indonesian Child Criminal Justice System | Achmad Haris Sanjaya, Adrianus Eliasta Meliala, Ni Made Martini Puteri | Universitas Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.442 | |
Fundamental Backgrounds on the Impact of Green Credit on Sustainable Economy | Do Hoai Linh, Nguyen Khuong Dan, Tran Thi Phuong Anh, Do Hai Ngoc, Pham Nam Hoang | National Economics University, Vietnam | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.441 | |
ASEAN-China Cybersecurity Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities | Iqbal Ramadhan | Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Pertamina | 10.31014/aior.1991.06.04.440 |
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