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Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Vol.2 No.1 (2023)
The Asian Institute of Research
Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews
Vol.2 No.1, March 2023
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Analysis Criminal Offense Law Criminal Case Jiwasraya | Tina Amelia | Borobudur University, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1996.02.01.52 | |
Exploring the Thai EFL Landscape: Implications for English Language Teaching | Phramaha Kriangkrai Phetsangkhad | Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand | 10.31014/aior.1996.02.01.50 | |
Implementation of the Strictliability Principle in Enforcement of Environmental Civil Case Laws and Settlement of Their Execution in Indonesia | Meni Warlia, Yusri Munaf, Efendi Ibnu Susilo, Ni’Matul Huda, Thamrin, S | Universitas Islam Riau | 10.31014/aior.1996.02.01.47 | |
Independent Learning-Independent Campus: From the Perspective of Justice and Utilitarian Theories | Suratman, Umi Salamah, Sulaisyah Amini, Fitria Dewi Navisa | Universitas Islam Malang (Indonesia), SMK Negeri 3 (Indonesia) | 10.31014/aior.1996.02.01.49 | |
Legal Protection of Doctors in Performing Medical Actions Based on Law Number 29 of 2004 Concerning Medical Practice | Sri Murtini, Thamrin, Abdul Thalib, Ellydar Chaidir, Efendi Ibnu Susilo | Universitas Islam Riau | 10.31014/aior.1996.02.01.46 | |
Legal Protection of People with Mental Disorders in Pekanbaru City Based on Laws Number 18 of 2014 Concerning Mental Health | Hanifal Yunis, Hasnati, Indra Afrita | Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1996.02.01.48 | |
Responsibilities of Marketplace Providers in Providing Non-Halal Information as Consumer Protection
| Megawati Barthos | Borobudur University, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1996.02.01.51 |
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