Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 25 December 2023
A Human Rights-Based Critical Discourse on the Abolition of Child Sexual Abuse
Nelson Simanjuntak, Manotar Tampubolon
Institute Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (Indonesia), Universitas Kristen Indonesia (Indonesia)

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Pages: 194-207
Keywords: Children Rights, Sex Exploitation, Prostitution
Sexual exploitation of children is still rife in Indonesia and the perpetrators are difficult to be legally processed due to gaps in the legal framework and lack of understanding of children's rights by parents. However, legal harmonization has not emerged, and children are still neglected by their parents to earn a decent living through prostitution. To harmonize laws that seem to be useful for law enforcement on perpetrators of child prostitution and to provide an understanding of children's rights. The author employs a qualitative research approach to law and human rights by incorporating laws and documents pertaining to child sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation of children takes place in Indonesia due to a lack of understanding by many parents about protection of children's rights, including a gap in law enforcement against perpetrators of child sex exploitation, allowing child prostitution to continue. Good Faith in Legislative is deemed necessary to harmonize the law so there is no gap in law enforcement. Instead, perpetrators of child sex prostitution can be brought to justice, and parental education on the importance of children's rights is deemed necessary so that the children do not become victims of sexual exploitation in the future.
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