Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 14 September 2023
Analysing Education Law Implementation in Dibrugarh District Tea Community
Zeeshan Rahman, Suman Das
Dibrugarh University, India

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Pages: 107-119
Keywords: Right to Education, Tea Community, Assam Tea Tribe Students Association, Dibrugarh District
Every human being has the inherent right to receive an education, regardless of caste, gender, or other factors. Recognizing this fundamental right, "The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act" was enacted on April 1, 2010, to safeguard the educational rights of children aged 6 to 14. This study focuses on the implementation and awareness of these educational laws within the tea garden community of Dibrugarh District. To gather insights, we conducted surveys in six randomly selected tea gardens within the district, where we interviewed a diverse group of individuals including students, locals, members of the Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha (ACMS), members of the All-Assam Tea Tribe Students Association, and teachers from state-run schools. The age range of the interviewees spanned from 6 to 57 years, and approximately 100 people were randomly interviewed from each tea garden. Our findings indicate that most children in the tea garden community have received education up to the primary level, typically until class 5, and expressed a strong desire to pursue further studies. While a handful of them managed to attend college and pursue bachelor's degrees, the majority did not have the opportunity to do so. It is worth noting that parents residing in the tea gardens were well aware of the significance of education for a better life and actively encouraged their children to pursue education to the best of their abilities. However, they lacked awareness of the specific laws and regulations about education, which resulted in missed opportunities for their children. By gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges and underlying reasons for the limited educational progress among children in the tea garden community, we are better equipped to devise and implement new laws and provisions that cater specifically to their needs. This research serves as a stepping stone towards improving educational opportunities and outcomes for the tea community, ultimately contributing to their overall development and well-being.
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