Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 11 March 2024
Analyzing Arabia and Japan's Energy Security Activities within Saudi-Japan 2030 vision
Raden Bagus Andreas Riansyah, Mansur Juned
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ‘Veteran’ Jakarta

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Pages: 119-128
Keywords: Saudi-Japan Vision 2030, Energy Security, Bilateral Cooperation
Bilateral cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Japan takes various forms. As an illustration, the two countries have demonstrated their long-term commitment to working together in multiple fields, which ultimately sparked the Saudi-Japan Vision 2030. In this context, collaboration in the energy security sector is essential, especially with Saudi Arabia, which wishes to switch from fossil to renewable energy. This study will review further the implementation of Saudi Arabia-Japan bilateral cooperation through Saudi-Japan Vision 2030 in energy security. Next, the research will explore the various projects, activities, and types of collaboration that have been undertaken between the two countries under the vision they share.
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