Learning from Heraclitus to Better Understand Genocidal Regimes
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2827-9735

Judge Gavel
 Scales of Justice
City Crowds
People in Library
open access

Published: 26 May 2023

Learning from Heraclitus to Better Understand Genocidal Regimes

Anil Singh Matoo

University of Bristol, United Kingdom

asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
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Pages: 64-77

Keywords: Heraclitus, Martin Heidegger, Legal Philosophy, Genocide, International Criminal Law


This article will argue that from Heraclitus’ writings on fire, we can better appreciate how genocidal regimes use it against a target population. In doing so, I am not arguing that I have presented the proper reading of Heraclitus’ thoughts. Rather, I have tried to approach the available Fragments in a way whereby we can learn from Heraclitus about the potentially genocidal dangers and consequences of fire. To do this, I will approach Heraclitus’ Fragments through a framework provided by Martin Heidegger. Ultimately, I will argue that from Heraclitus’ thoughts we can better comprehend how tyrannical regimes utilise fire to exact genocides.


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