Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 09 January 2023
Legal Protection of Doctors in Performing Medical Actions Based on Law Number 29 of 2004 Concerning Medical Practice
Sri Murtini, Thamrin, Abdul Thalib, Ellydar Chaidir, Efendi Ibnu Susilo
Universitas Islam Riau

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Pages: 1-10
Keywords: Legal Protection, Medical Actions and Medical Practice
This paper is a study that analyzes the legal protection of doctors in providing medical practice services based on law number 29 of 2004 concerning medical practice. Medical services provided to patients are called medical actions that aim to achieve a cure from an illness. Medical action certainly has risks for the patient in its implementation so that an agreement is needed from both parties, namely the doctor and the patient to carry out medical action, which is preceded by informed consent through a therapeutic transaction. The approach used in this study is a normative legal approach. The results of the study show that legal protection for doctors in carrying out medical actions is only stated in article 50 letter a, but it does not explain how the rules and procedures for legal protection for doctors themselves, more then regulate the patient's rights if they suffer a loss against a doctor's medical actions, This creates a feeling of injustice for the medical profession where lawsuits and demands from patients or the patient's family always use all legal domains, both criminal, civil and administrative which ignore the existence of an agreement in the approval of medical action and also violate the legal principle of ne bis en idem.
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