Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 01 March 2023
Legal Protection of People with Mental Disorders in Pekanbaru City Based on Laws Number 18 of 2014 Concerning Mental Health
Hanifal Yunis, Hasnati, Indra Afrita
Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia

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Pages: 27-33
Keywords: State, Health, Legal Protection and ODGJ
Human rights are rights that belong to humans by nature, which cannot be separated from their nature and are therefore sacred. One form of human rights is the right to health in the protection of people with mental disorders. Based on Law Number 18 of 2014 concerning Mental Health, the Government and Regional Governments are required to carry out rehabilitation efforts for abandoned, homeless ODGJ, threatening the safety of themselves and/or others, and or disturbing public order and/or provisions and neglected ODGJ, vagrant, threatens the safety of himself and others, and/or disturbs public order and/or security. The theory used in this study is the theory of state responsibility with a sociological research approach. The results of this study indicate that the institutions that coordinate handling of people with neglected mental disorders are the Social Service, Health Service, Mental Hospitals, Civil Service Police Unit and the Police. In handling people with mental disorders there are still obstacles because Pekanbaru City itself does not have an institution or rehabilitation center to accommodate people with neglected mental disorders. In handling ODGJ itself, actually it cannot only be handled by one agency, there must be coordination between institutions so that the handling runs optimally.
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