Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 25 November 2023
Negative Consequences and the Direct Impact of Unstable Governments on the Neighbors (Iran): Afghanistan and the Failure of the Government - Nation Building and Peace
Mohammad Ekram Yawar, Abdul Jamil Sharify
Akdeniz University (Turkey), Osmania University (India)

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Pages: 44-56
Keywords: State-Nation Building, Failed State, Afghanistan, Iran
Iran's neighborhood with countries that most of them have experienced unrest, conflict or war due to internal conflicts or due to regional and international crises, has effected and consequences of such issues spread to Iran unintentionally. One of the most tangible of these often undesirable effects is the occurrence of crises and violent conflicts in the neighboring countries, which with the occasional influx of refugees fleeing from such crises (especially from the two countries of Afghanistan and Iraq) into the territory of Iran, the it has shown its adverse effects in different areas in Iran. In the meantime, due to several decades of civil war and international conflicts, the existence of numerous ethnic and religious divisions, a failed state and the lack of a real nation-state, Afghanistan remains a focal point of ongoing turmoil within both the region and the global community. Even though it was expected that this country would experience peace and stability over time following the international coalition's defeat of the Taliban in 2001, but after more than a decade, there is still no promising prospect for this. Therefore, one cannot be safe from the unwanted and inevitable side effects of being a neighbor with such countries, or simply avoid them. Since the fate of the neighbors has always been related to each other and somehow tied to each other, the future and fate of the neighboring countries and nations should be so important to Iran that the fate of Iran itself is important. Considering the history and the difficult and complicated situation of Afghanistan during the past decades and looking at the fragmented, heterogeneous and chaotic situation of this country today, we will definitely find that despite the apparent changes in the political and governance arena, there is not much change in the unstable nature and from Afghanistan has not come into existence and this means that until the unknown future, Iran will be affected by the effects and consequences of its neighborhood with this country.
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