Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 29 June 2022
The Role of Ombudsman in the Protection of Human Rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain
Arbab Mohammed Abdul Rub
University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

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Pages: 1-13
Keywords: Concept of Ombudsman, Evolution of the Institution of Ombudsman, Extension of the Jurisdiction of Ombudsman Introduced in Various Sectors, Paris Principles on the Formation of Human Rights Institutions, Role of Ombudsman in the Protection of Human Rights in Bahrain
The evolution of the institution of Ombudsman in retrospect shows that changes in the western system of administration from time to time and the recognition of various new kinds of rights and interests by the States at the national and international levels called for the introduction of Ombudsman as an addendum to the system of administration of justice. Because of fundamental changes in the system of government Ombudsman came to perform distinct functions at different times such as investigation, mediation, dispute resolution etc. And this was done in relation to various sectors of society such as business, education, health, transport, and commercial undertakings. In major legal systems it has come to play a significant role in human rights. The Kingdom of Bahrain also has established in its administrative system the machinery of Ombudsman for the protection of the Human Rights of the individuals.
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