Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 17 August 2023
Using Bibliometrics to Analyze Literature Overview on Innovation in Vietnam’s Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises
Ha Nguyen Van
South Pacific Tourism Joint Stock Company, Vietnam National University

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Pages: 70-84
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Small and Medium Tourism Enterprise, Vietnam
This research uses the bibliometrics method to analyze the literature overview on innovation in SMTE in Vietnam. The goal of this study is to give the future gap and overlook for the researcher about the innovation of SMTE Vietnam. This study visualized the co-occurrence of keywords in 215 selected articles. With 90 selected keywords, the software has sketched five distinct clusters and shows the relationship level between words, the larger the nodes, the more keywords appear, and the larger the curves, the higher the strength of the association. Using the bibliometrics method with 20 keywords, the author recognizes innovation as the trend and the fastest way to maintain and grow their business. And the innovation of SMTE will develop in the future more deeply in Europe countries and the researcher will give the solutions to improve the innovations at SMTE.
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