Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 February 2024
A Study on Educational and Training Needs Assessment of Professionally Active Agronomists in the Area of Central Macedonia, Greece
Evgenia Efthymiadou, Efthymios Valkanos, Marios Koutsoukos, Maria Sytziouki
University of Macedonia, Hellenic Open University

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Pages: 101-111
Keywords: Agronomists, Education, Educational Needs, Lifelong Learning, Training Needs, Training Programmes
The aim of this study was to investigate the educational and training needs of agronomists in the region of Central Macedonia in Greece, a region with significant contribution to the Greek agricultural economy. Data was collected through an electronic survey by a sample of 127 agronomists. A quantitative survey with a non-probability sampling was conducted, snowball sampling method was applied and descriptive tools were used to present the results in the form of means, percentages, standard deviations, analysis of variance and correlation analysis. Conclusions indicate differences in gender as they prioritize educational needs and a positive linear correlation between professional experience and the number of training programmes attended. High need of training declared in the subjects of Precision agriculture, Precision livestock farming & Use of new technologies. Low need for training declared in the subjects of Livestock production and farm animal disease control, Dairy farming, Protected agriculture, Floriculture management, Poultry farming and Fish farming technologies.
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