Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 February 2023
A Study on the Development of Henan Zhuizi Folk Music Knowledge in Kaifeng, Henan Province, China
Chao Ren, Awirut Thotham
Mahasarakham University, Thailand

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Pages: 316-325
Keywords: Knowledge, Henan Zhuizi, Chinese Folk Music, Henan Province, Folk Music Development
The qualitative method was used in this study on the development of Henan Zhuizi folk music knowledge in Kaifeng, Henan Province, China. Based on the collected data, an interview form and questionnaire were used as research tools, and nine key informants were selected. The study results are as follows: Henan Zhuizi was mainly spread in the countryside and around the Xiangguo Temple in Kaifeng. In the past, Henan Zhuizi was sung by male actors. There are forms of self-pulling and self-singing, as well as accompaniment singing. Later, actresses appeared. At first, actresses were just a foil for actors. Most of them are male performers. gradually become a form in which the actress is the main actor, and the actor is the auxiliary. These artists came to other provinces to perform and called the Zhui zi from Henan Province "Henan Zhui zi," which is the origin of "Henan Zhuizi." The influence of Henan Zhuizi in the country reached its peak through some policy-related work that indirectly gave birth to a large number of new tracks of Henan Zhuizi and has been established to cultivate a large number of Quyi talents, which has promoted the development of Quyi, especially the development of Henan Zhuizi, since the 1970s.
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