Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 17 January 2023
Abbreviations in Homonymy
Aynur Humay Bayramli
Azerbaijan State Exam Center

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Pages: 33-40
Keywords: Homonymy, Abbreviation, Acronyms, Homoacronyms, Phenomenon
This article discusses the phenomenon of homonymy in the field of abbreviation. Until now, homonymy has rarely been considered along with the topic of abbreviations, and yet it is all closely interconnected, since the frequency of using homonymous abbreviations in English literature is quite high. Despite the fact that there are quite numerous, albeit fragmentary, studies on the problems of abbreviation in modern languages, there is a small amount of research in the field of abbreviation-homonymous relations, abbreviated lexical units remain in many respects a mystery in linguistic terms, since in relation to them one has to consider from a specific point of view such fundamental problems as the problem of the structure of a word and its meaning, the problem of a morpheme, etc. This complexity explains the heterogeneity of opinions, and sometimes a contradictory approach to homonymous abbreviated lexical units.
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