Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 16 October 2024
Academic Administration to Develop Proactive Learning Management for Teachers in Sarasas Affiliated Schools
Patthana Rotrut, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology

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Pages: 83-95
Keywords: Academic Administration, Proactive Learning Management
This research aimed to: 1) study the current state, desired state, and necessary needs in academic administration to develop proactive learning management for teachers in Sarasas affiliated schools, and 2) explore approaches to academic administration for enhancing proactive learning management among teachers in Sarasas schools. The sample group consisted of 159 Sarasas school administrators. The research tools included questionnaires, interviews, and content analysis. The reliability of the current state assessment was 0.975, and the desired state assessment was 0.959. Data was analyzed using basic statistics such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The assessment of necessary needs in academic administration to develop proactive learning management for teachers in Sarasas-affiliated schools was conducted using the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified) to rank needs. The current state of academic administration to develop proactive learning management for teachers in Sarasas affiliated schools was generally at a high level. When considering individual aspects, the highest average score was in evaluation and assessment, while the lowest was in curriculum development. The desired state of academic administration to develop proactive learning management for teachers in Sarasas-affiliated schools was also at a high level. The aspect with the highest average score was teaching and learning management, and the lowest was curriculum development. The ranking of necessary needs for academic administration to develop proactive learning management for teachers in Sarasas affiliated schools, from most to least needed, was curriculum development, teaching and learning management, and evaluation and assessment. The approaches to academic administration to develop proactive learning management for teachers in Sarasas affiliated schools included: for curriculum development, establishing a curriculum committee, analyzing the school context, setting goals to adjust the curriculum structure, studying theories, promoting competence development for future readiness, adding courses that align with local arts, culture, and community needs, conduct research to improve efficiency, and monitor teaching outcomes; for teaching and learning management, understand student needs, adjust teaching according to different groups, encourage diverse activities, create a confident learning environment, stimulate thinking through questions and experiments, provide feedback, and evaluate progress; for evaluation and assessment, develop assessment tools, conduct continuous evaluations, use feedback to improve transparency, and enhance teachers' skills.
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