Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 10 May 2021
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Preschool Teachers’ Individual and Administrative Creativity and Job Satisfaction
Yıldız Güven, Dicle Akay, Sümeyye Öcal
Maltepe University (Turkey), Bahcesehir University (Turkey), Istanbul Gelisim University (Turkey)

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Pages: 329-338
Keywords: Preschool Teachers, Individual Creativity, Administrative Creativity, Job Satisfaction
The creativity skills of individuals have started to gain importance in adapting to today's changing conditions. In this context, teachers need to transfer their individual creativity to the organizational environment. In order to do this, they need to provide personal pleasure and satisfaction from their work. The main aim of this study is to examine the relationship between preschool teachers' individual and administrative creativity and job satisfaction. The study, which is designed as relational survey model, was carried out with 173 preschool teachers. The data obtained from Personal Information Form, Organizational Creativity Scale and Job Satisfaction Scale. As a result of the research, the organizational creativity scores of preschool teachers in the dimension of individual creativity showed a significant difference according to the type of institution, and no difference was found according to the status of wanting to do a different profession, the number of students in the class, professional seniority and weekly working hours. There was a difference in the administrative creativity of teachers according to the type of institution, their willingness to do a different profession and the number of students in the classroom, while professional seniority and weekly working hours make no difference. There was a difference among teachers' job satisfaction scores according to the type of institution, their willingness to do a different profession, and the number of children in the classroom, but not according to professional seniority and weekly working hours. According to the result of the research it can be claimed that as the organizational creativity scores of preschool teachers in individual and administrative dimensions increased, their job satisfaction increased too. It was suggested that conditions improving organizational creativity and job satisfactions of preschool teachers should be given place in schools.
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