Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 13 July 2022
An Online Program to Empower Teachers' Learning to Develop Students' Critical Thinking Skills
Phrajakkaphat Jakkaphatto, Phrakru Dhammapissamai
Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand

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Pages: 42-53
Keywords: 21st-Century Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Online Programs, Self-Learning Module
The aim of this study was to develop an educational innovation called “An Online Program to Empower Teachers' Learning to Develop Students' Critical Thinking Skills.” The study recognized the importance of social changes (i.e., becoming a knowledge-based society and a digital society) in the 21st century by examining knowledge from good quality resources that are related to a variety of concepts of 21st-century skills development. The information, which has been widely published on the Internet, was used to develop a system and to create efficient educational innovations, which hopefully will be beneficial to the development of teachers and students in the future. Based upon the concepts of: “Successful teachers, successful students” and “Knowledge and Action are power,” online programs are used as media so that the target population can access them quickly and efficiently and with lower costs and with the availability of “Anywhere and Anytime.” As a result, the effective innovation of “An Online Program to Empower Teachers' Learning to Develop Students' Critical Thinking Skills” has been developed in accordance with the criteria. Moreover, the innovation will be utilized at the Faculty of Education at the main campus of Mahamakut Buddhist University and at every other campus, which offers Thai, English, and Social Teaching curriculums.
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