Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 December 2020
Analysis and Improvement Strategies of the Phenomenon that What Biology Teachers Teach is not What They Learned in Rural Middle Schools
Bo Peng, Chuanling Zhang, Yanfang Sun, Juan Peng, Xuezhong Sun, Xiayu Tian, Mengyang Zheng, Ruihua Pang, Wei Zhou, Quanxiu Wang
Xinyang Normal University (China), Xinyang Station of Plant Protection and Inspection (China), Henan XinYang Senior High School (China)

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Pages: 617-626
Keywords: Rural Middle School, Biology Teacher, Teach not What They Learned, Structural Shortage, Improvement Strategy
Rural education is a short board of China’s education. It is of great significance to strengthen the construction of the teacher team in rural middle schools for Rural Revitalization in the new era. The problem of structural shortage of teachers, reflected by the phenomenon of “what biology teachers teach is not what they learned” in rural middle schools, is a key issue that has been existing for a long time in the development of rural middle school education in our country. It is also a key problem that must be paid attention to and urgently solved in the face of the new situation, new tasks and new requirements. In response to this phenomenon that caused by the decline of students and the loss of biological teachers in rural middle schools, the government needs to play a supporting role and the school leaders of rural middle schools should innovate their systems and concepts. What’s more, biological teachers should reflect on their hearts and have the educational feelings of being willing to develop the countryside. Only when the government, middle school leaders and biology teachers have formed an educational synergy, can we better solve that harmful phenomenon and promote the healthy and rapid development of rural middle school education.
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