Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 24 June 2022
Assessment on the Need for Study Program Curriculum Development: A Preparatory Study for International Accreditation
Wahidmurni, Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, Ronasari Mahaji Putri, Jadzil Baihaqi
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Indonesia), Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi (Indonesia), Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus (Indonesia)

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Pages: 518-532
Keywords: OBE, CIPPO, International Accreditation, Curriculum Development, Assessment on the Needs for Curriculum Development
The current research aimed to investigate the need for study program to develop curriculum to meet the demands of international accreditation. CIPPO (Context, Input, Process, Product, Outcomes) evaluation model was applied through a mixed-method approach with sequential exploratory strategy: 1) collecting and analyzing qualitative data by presenting the needs of each scope of study from the stakeholder point of view and reviewing curriculum documents; 2) analyzing quantitative data from the questionnaires to measure the satisfaction level and fulfillment of the improvement needs. The result of the context evaluation suggested the need to review the curriculum documents, to adjust the learning load, and some of the contents of the semester learning plan. The input evaluation found that the availability and quality of the lecturers were good, and the learning facilities and resources were adequately provided, yet their utilization required improvement. The result of the process evaluation showed that the learning implementation was perceived to be good, so it necessitated the lecturer competence improvement in benefiting information technology media and learning modules based on researches. The result of the product evaluation suggested that the learning assessment given by the lecturers was good that the improvement demand lay in the assessment of attitude. The outcome evaluation showed that the satisfaction of alumni and alumni users was good, and it required continuous improvement in the contexts, input, processes and products as the main services of the study program.
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