Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 April 2022
Determining the Physical Fitness of Individuals with Autism in Early and Middle Adolescence Period
Aybike Sultan Akdoğan, Ahmet Uzun
SOBE Vakfı (Turkey), Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)

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Pages: 90-101
Keywords: Autism, Physical Fitness, Early Adolescence, Middle Adolescence
The aim of this study is to determine the physical fitness levels of individuals with autism by comparing them with individuals in the early and middle adolescence periods with normal development and the needs of the individuals with autism in terms of physical fitness. This study is carried out at the Selçuklu Autism Foundation, which is the largest autism education center in Turkey. It is carried out in this center with autistic individuals aged 10-17 who have received sports training for at least one year, and randomly selected individuals between the ages of 10-17 who do not do sports and show normal development. In this study, the cross-sectional survey model, one of the survey models, is used. The physical fitness levels of individuals with and without autism participating in the research are determined by the Brockport Physical Fitness Test developed by the State University of New York and some motoric test batteries. The t-test for the difference between arithmetic means in independent groups is used. The other measurement is the non-parametric Mann Witney U test. According to the study findings, a high level of significant difference is found between BMI, triceps, calf, right and left hand grip, back strength, trunk lift, long jump and one mile running values in both t-test and Mann-Whitney U results in early and middle adolescence periods. As a result, according to Brockport test values, it shows that all values of individuals with autism are physically behind the individuals with normal development. These results show that individuals with autism are shorter in stature, have higher body weights and have higher BMI values than individuals with normal development.
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