Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799
Published: 23 December 2023
Developing A SERVQUAL-Based Scale for Measuring Student Satisfaction with Academic Service in Higher Education
Yosef, Arief Rachman Ibrahim, Muhammad Yusup, Damar Tutur Wicaksono, Putri Amalia
Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
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Pages: 146-157
Keywords: Academic Service, Student Satisfaction, Higher Education, Service Quality
Assessing student satisfaction with academic services provided by higher education institutions has always been a challenging task. This study aimed to create a valid, reliable, and practical web-based student satisfaction scale (SSS) through a design and validation stage. Applying the SERVQUAL model in this development research, during the design stage, the SSS consisted of three subscales with 32 items. These items were established and validated through expert review for content validity, pilot testing for practicality, and a main test for concurrent validity. The results showed that the it had an acceptable level of content validity with I-CVI scores ranging from .80 to 1.00 and an S-CVI of .90. It also met practicality criteria with an S-SPI of 0.9. The concurrent validity of the SSS ranged from .665 to .999, and reliability was .888 to .999. These findings suggest that the SSS met valid, reliable, and practical criteria. It has diagnostic and predictive value for improving quality assurance purposes.
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